Evan Baehr

Evan Baehr

Evan Baehr
Will Davis

Will Davis

Will Davis
ABLE has since closed its operations.

Hi, we are Able — the world’s first collaborative lender. We fund small businesses with low-interest loans through the support of their network and ours. But it's more than a loan. We connect extraordinary entrepreneurs with additional capital, community resources and expert advice when it’s time to grow. Our mission is to serve the “Fortune 5 Million” — small business entrepreneurs who are longing to live out the American dream: creating jobs, delighting customers, and generating profit. Collaborative consumption has already transformed hospitality, transportation, and media. We believe it should transform finance next. “With Airbnb you share your house, with Lyft you share your car, and in lending, your money,” is the common refrain — but we think this is wrong. The wealth of networks — knowledge generated by cooperative and coordinated actions carried out through distributed non-market mechanisms — should be harnessed to decrease the costs of lending; therefore making loans available to more people at lower rates.


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Business 2014
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